The Cunt Manifesto
That was the basic inequity which could never be righted:
not that the male had a wonderful added attraction called a penis,
not that the male had a wonderful added attraction called a penis,
but that the female had a wonderful all-weather cunt.
Neither storm nor sleet nor dark of night could faze it. It was always there,
Neither storm nor sleet nor dark of night could faze it. It was always there,
always ready. Quite terrifying if you think about it.
No wonder men hated women.
No wonder men hated women.
No wonder they invented the myth of female inadequacy.
-Erica Jong, Fear of Flying
CUNT is an organization composed of those who love the cunt, understand the cunt, and value the cunt. In its earliest usage “cunt” was simply a word that referred to the female genital area. It was not an obscene or demeaning term. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, only later did the word become a "term of vulgar abuse." CUNT calls on all men and women to disavow indecent usage of the word cunt and use it only to affirm the beauty and power of the female sexual organs.
Education is an invaluable tool for understanding the cunt. As Mary Wollstonecraft made clear very early in the Women's Movement, lack of education has perpetuated the myth of female inferiority--even among women! The same is true in regards to the myth of female sexual inferiority. CUNT is dedicated to preaching the gospel of the holy cunt and sexual equality for all by espousing the following tenets:
A cunt is part of the woman's body. A woman should never be referred to as "a cunt" because this usage reduces her being to a body part when, in fact, a woman's being consists of much more than her genital region. We must consider not only a woman's body (all of it) but also the "world of thought and ideas, the life of the mind and the spirit" as the whole of a woman's being (Friedan 30).
The cunt, as opposed to the penis, is a three-part region. Alix Shulman once explained that a man uses his penis for urination, sexual pleasure, and making babies (293). Women have three areas in which these bodily functions take place: the opening to the urethra, the vagina, and the clitoris. Understanding this trinity (a.k.a. the cunt) is vital to women being allowed equal sexual pleasure. The vagina and clitoris are both invaluable to female sexual pleasure and neither should be emphasized over the other. CUNT urges the society at large to repudiate myths (such as orgasms as exclusively vaginal) that cause women to believe that certain sensations they feel in their cunt are not as valuable as others.
CUNT stands in direct opposition to certain widely-accepted Freudian assertions. Femininity is not a "problem" to be solved (Freud 343). Our cunt is not the same as the male penis, but in an "atrophied state" (Freud 343). We have not been castrated (Freud 354)! Our feminine cunts are perfect the way they are. Scientists have determined that the clitoris contains nerve endings similar to and just as sensitive as those that are found in the penis and that the most intense orgasms women experience are through direct stimulation of the clitoris (Lydon 219). Women who experience sexual pleasure through their clitoris are not "regressive, infantile, neurotic, hysteric, [or] frigid" (Shulman 294). There is no immature orgasm. Moreover, women do not have penis envy. The cunt is "multi-orgasmic" and the penis is not (Lydon 222). Why would we ever want to trade?
Susan Lydon once wrote that "Women's sexuality, defined by men to benefit men, has been downgraded and perverted, repressed and channeled, denied and abused" (219, italics added). CUNT refuses to accept female sexuality that has been defined by men. Female orgasm should not be sought after simply to enhance male ego (Lydon 225-26) and sexual activity is not primarily for male satisfaction (Koedt 375). The cunt should not take a back seat to the pleasure of the penis. Furthermore, women should not be ashamed to seek sexual "satisfaction as aggressively" as men have for centuries (Lydon 223). Women who love sex are not sluts anymore than the men who love sex are. In addition, foreplay, especially stimulation of the clitoris, should not serve only to excite a woman so that it is possible for the penis to enter the vagina without painful repercussions but should continue until both partners (if they desire) have reached orgasm (Koedt 373). A "clit-tease" is on par with a "cock-tease" and neither is appreciated by either sex (though a "clit-tease" has probably never been used as a justification for rape—nor should it be). If the cunt desires an orgasm and does not reach it because their partner has already reached theirs and ends sexual activity, it is the partner’s fault not the woman's "psychological failing" (Shulman 300). Finally, it is nice when orgasms are simultaneous, but it is not necessary for great sex and neither partner should feel inadequate if they need more time to be fully satisfied. In summation, female sexuality is dependent on what women desire and no apologies need to be made for this fact.
A woman's cunt may never desire to be filled (or, in some cases, partially filled) with a penis. It may prefer "hands or bananas or dildoes," or even no penetration (Johnston 349). This is a valid choice. Just as the penis can obtain pleasure from a man or woman, so can the cunt. The irrational fear that men will become expendable if some women choose to be in intimate relationships with other women is both unfounded and illogical (Koedt 376-77). Hetero and homosexual people have always, and most likely, will always exist and occupy the same world without really being any sort of threat to each other (though many contrived theories of the dangers of homosexuality do exist).
CUNT upholds the right of women to refuse motherhood, just as the penis has the right to refuse fatherhood (even though one of the functions of a penis, as with the cunt, is to start a baby). As Ti-Grace Atkinson points out, "a capacity for some activity is not the same as the need for that activity" (15). Both male and female bodies are designed for the possibility of making children but that design should not make parenthood mandatory (neither socially nor biologically). A woman is not less of a woman because she does not use her cunt to create a baby, just as a man is not usually considered less of a man when he chooses to be responsible with his ejaculations.
The cunt is beautiful. CUNT denounces the common perception (primarily by females) that they or their cunts are ugly. As Erica Jong so poignantly writes, “All women think they’re ugly, even pretty women. […] They all think their cunts are ugly. They all find fault with their figures. They all think their asses are too big, their breasts too small, their thighs too fat, their ankles too thick” (182). This is because society upholds a “beauty ideal” that women feel they must adhere to. Well, the cunt doesn’t need to. It needs no artificial embellishment. It needs no perfumes, diets, hair cuts, or plastic surgery to become more appealing than it already is. The "beauty ideal" has made women feel inadequate for long enough and it deserves no place in CUNT (Firestone 143-44).
CUNT urges all men and women to adhere to the above tenants and to go forth into all the world spreading the good news of the amazing cunt. Amen.
I'm trying REALLY hard to form a comment that won't be the length of a novel. This is brilliant. I've only been called a cunt out of anger once in my life. It was a deranged woman using a pay phone in front of the grocery store. It was bad. I have used it in anger, but only quietly in my head when a crazy coworker was Cunty McCuntypants. I shall henceforth not use it in that way. She can easily be Bitchy McFucktard. I also wonder if the "beauty ideal" is intentional or unintentional oppression. Is it designed to get us to buy shit and have our vaginas "rejuvenated" or are those things just unintended consequences? Sorta like the "American Dream" Work hard, follow the rules and you'll be fabulously wealthy. When that doesn't happen we turn on someone (a racial group, immigrants, women, whatevs) Is it done on purpose?Ok, I failed. It's a novel. But it's your fault for writing thought-provoking shit. : )
I've never been able to bring myself to use cunt in any of my posts, even when I thought it might be appropriate. I wish the word isn't so fraught with the shock, embarrassment, and truly, the violence I've always associated with it.
Lots to think about.
Patty - You write thought provoking comments! I don't know if the cult of beauty is intentional or not. I like to think that it isn't but, how is that possible when it pervades so much of our lives? Whether in tv, magazines, or politics, women are expected to look a certain way. It's brilliant really - what a good way to get the general populace to buy your beauty products and clothing - make them feel inadequate by only allowing them to see beautiful women in popular culture. Not that there is anything wrong with beautiful women. I love beautiful women, but the idea that most women are going to look like the cover of Cosmo is ridiculous. It just doesn't happen. And then to have that ideal leak into the bedroom is even worse. The cunt is amazing just the way it is (as is the penis) and it should be your choice how you like to keep it, without the pressure of a beauty obsessed culture.
Anisa - It's a tough word and I didn't come to this paper in a vacuum. It was during the time I was in the Vagina Monologues and I was taking a class on radical feminism. I still trouble saying it, but at the same time, I think it's important for men and women to reclaim words that were once used to degrade one another if we're ever going to live in mutual respect. I love my cunt and any man or woman lucky enough to get close to it can call it whatever they like as long as they damn well worship it.
I don't generally buy into conspiracy theories, because I think that would be a hard way to live. But I admit that reading about the Prison Industrial Complex replacing the Military Industrial Complex at the end of the Cold War kept me awake at night for a long time. I think things like the beauty ideal can be incredibly harmful. It always makes me feel a little better about it when they publish the untouched photos or show the models without any make up on. My husband has assured me that my cunt is very attractive and I choose to believe him. : )
Oh my gosh. I laughed so hard reading this. I shouldn't have because i don't think i was suppose to laugh but my mouth dropped a few times with tons of laughter. I love this post. You are an amazing writer. LOL Love it!
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